
Best 20 Minute Workout Routine!

Working out is not always the first thing on my priority list, in fact sometimes it isn’t even on it at all! There are so many excuses as to why people don’t workout but the main one is that there is just “no time”….Well, I am going to fill you in on my go-to 20 minute workout routine that works wonders….read more


Puppy Training: The Journey So Far

want to introduce you to my puppy named Strider. Strider is a 12 week old German Shepherd who loves to play! My husband and I had been wanting a puppy for a long time, prior to moving to California. After months of searching we finally found the perfect dog for us, on our honeymooon (i know, we’re crazy)! Strider was 5 weeks old when we got him, which…..read more